Types of Indian Destination Weddings
- 10/16/2024 - Indian Destination Weddings
We understand that marriages in India are a grand affair. They are held in a unique manner in the different regions and states. We understand what it takes to bring an Indian wedding to an all-inclusive resort in Mexico, The Caribbean, Central America and more locations.
Be it north, south, east or west, all Indian weddings are celebrated with great gusto and fervor. If you haven't had a chance to be a guest in any of these weddings, then do check this out and have an idea of which kind of wedding you would like. There are typically 14 different types of wedding held in India itself.
Wedding Types in India
Known for its gusto and pompous celebration, Bengali weddings are incomplete without the 'Saat Paak' in which the bride encircles the groom seven times while covering her face with the betel leaves. Shubhodrishti, another ritual is followed after the saat paak in which the bride removes the leaves from her face and the couple's eyes finally meets.
Weddings in Kerela are momentary and doesn't take much time to wrap up the function. The Malyali weddings are held in the mornings and the conjugal ceremony is called 'Velli'. The father of the bride welcomes the groom by washing his feet and the marriage is complete when the groom ties a 'thali' or a yellow thread around the bride's neck.
On the day of the wedding, a bathing custom is followed in Assamese wedding in which the bride and groom's mother visit the nearby river to fetch holy water for the bath. In Assamese wedding, the feast or the reception part is held prior to the marriage ceremony. Earlier curd, rice, and jaggery were served to the guests but now a lavish reception party is hosted in which mouth-watering dishes are served.
Since Buddhism is based on leading a simple life, their weddings are also simple and have a low-key affair. These are no mandatory rules and regulations to be followed in a Buddhist wedding. The couples get married in a Buddhist temple, licensed as a legal marriage venue.
Jain weddings are highlighted by the three major pre-wedding ceremonies namely Lagana Lekhan, Lagna Patrika, and Sagai. Also, Pheras and Kanya Daan are two of the most notable and important rituals of a Jain wedding.
During the auspicious time of the wedding, the bride is brought to be seated at the mandap by her sisters. The face of the bride is covered with a fan made out of peacock feathers. Afterward, the parents of the bride give away their daughters by performing a ritual called 'Dhare Herdu' followed by 'Satapadi' which is completed by taking seven circles of the holy fire.
The wedding affair starts with exchanging Jaimaala's twice. Unlike other Hindu weddings, Gujrati's take four Pheras which are called as Mangal Pheras. During Mangal Pheras, the couple circles the holy fire four times which symbolizes 'Dharma', 'Artha', 'Kama' and 'Moksha'.
The marriage ceremony occurs, the main features being: bride "given away'' by her father/family; readings from the Bible; homily; rite of marriage including the blessing of the rings; exchange of vows and rings; prayers said for the couple sacred blessing of the marriage by the minister; signing of the register of marriages and marriage certificate; Wedding Reception (celebration).
Kashmiri weddings are very similar to Hindu weddings. In Kashmiri weddings, a ceremony called 'Diugun' is performed which is similar to the 'Haldihanth Rasam'. When the groom and his family arrives, both the fathers of the couple exchange nutmeg as a symbol of their friendship.
Prior to the wedding trousseau, the 'Shakhar Puda' or engagement ceremony takes place. During the wedding, the couple is separated with a silk shawl. Thereafter, the 'Mangalashtak' is recited and the shawl is removed. After performing a few rituals, the couple seeks permission from their parents to get tied in the knot, after having their consent the Pheras are finally performed.
Pithi Dastoor is one of the cardinal pre-wedding ceremonies which continues until the wedding day. When the groom arrives at the bride's place, he has hit a toran that is tied on the doorway with an aneem stick. This tradition is followed by Pheras and Kanya Daan.
The series of activities that happen in Pahadi wedding traditions are as follows: Sagai, Mehendi, Sangeet, Ganesh Puja, Suwal Pathai, Duliargh, Vara Satkaarah, Varmala, Saptapadi, Pani Grahan, Kanya Daan, and the Vidaai.
On the wedding day, the bride receives a 'chuda, the white and red coloured bangles from her maternal uncle or mama. Followed by this ritual, the Ghara Ghardoli ceremony takes place in which the bride and groom are bathed in the holy water brought from the Gurudwara. On the wedding night, the couple exchange garlands and are taken to the mandap to perform other marriage rituals.
A Sikh wedding is similar to a Punjabi wedding. The only difference being that it takes place during the day in Gurudwara, where the ardaas are recited.